Friday, November 5, 2010


Hey 63!

Been a while since the last time I posted some cold stuff hmm..
Oh well for a change let's have some FUNNY/FAIL stuff instead =)

Anyway our very own Artemis Fac Outing 2 is coming your way! The details again:

Where? Scarlet City
When? 12 Nov, Friday, 5pm-9pm
What? Games, food, prizes, photos!
Who? Artemisians! 63ers!

The prizes are really really exciting. So, it's time to decide what we should wear there as a class! Here are some ideas:
1. pair up and each pair wear the same color, so when we stand in a line we can form a double spectrum symmetrical about the middle.
2. wear similar color shirt, plus jeans, and add suspender straps to the jeans.
3. wear similar color. guys have fringe symmetry among themselves, girls the hair clip.
4. add some kind of accessory to ourselves but put on opposite sides to get symmetry when we stand next to one another. what might this thing be?
Anyone with economical ideas?(I know our class is poor XP) Reply on tag board =)

After FO2 let's go for a class outing on 16 Nov! Let's go Vivo! Let's catch a movie ^.^ Michelle you MUST turn up. Everyone reply on tag board arigato! =)

Meanwhile also jia you for OP! Memorise memorise memorise..


Thursday, October 14, 2010


Hi all,

I guess most of you listen to music whenever you feel bored, and some might even love to sing along.

So, here's a freeware that I would like to recommend to all of you!

This software, MiniLyrics, will automatically search for the lyrics of the songs that you are playing, and it displays scrolling lyrics, so that you can sing along with the artists! You can also make it stay on top of other windows, cool huh :)

Here's the link:

Good luck and have fun chiong-ing WR :D


Saturday, October 9, 2010

WAW 1: 10S63

Mrs Loh - Wenhao is the only one posting! (Note: Shuin Jian had recently made a post too.)

If you have read my post on Count Your Blessings, or at least taken note of the last part of the 3K piece, you would know what WAW stands for. WAW = Wal Appreciation Weeks. Hardly a catchy name, but well, Wal? Wow. Sort of an alias for me, based on English footballer Theo Walcott (talented but a little injury-prone though).

(If you just want to skip to the gist, kindly just scroll down hahaha.)

No one really knows how I am conducting this WAW initiative though, especially since this is the first one I am doing. (Though I planned to post this before the Promos, it was hardly possible because I couldn't get the contributions and my own contributions when the pressures of academics loom.)

People get the impression that I have A LOT of time on my hands to spend time and effort writing all that I have written over the past year. It isn't true. I didn't have enough time to complete sufficient revision (plus practice!) for all the topics by end-Week 3. But well, the 'work' I did for this before Promos did take some sting out of relentless mugging for me (Weeks 1,2), and I place WAW of equal importance to Promos. What may not seem important or even relevant to others, is actually of significant weight in my life at the moment.

Of course, there have also been comments on how brave it is for me to post about personal feelings and thoughts online for all to see. I have since grown out of that illusion. There are people who safeguard their feelings and are not willingly to divulge. That's perfectly fair and good. I am, however, currently one who will not keep everything to myself. When appropriate, I will let others what I feel or think of them. And through the way I do it (till now, online posts), it doesn't take much courage when you have the same mentality as I do.

I hope no one has stopped reading because of my words above. What do I seek to achieve through WAW? Probably to propagate the merits of appreciation, not through philosophy (sided reference to Shuin Jian), not through conceptual and fundamental evaluation, but through doing and finding out first-hand how the virtue of appreciation can figure in my life. Maybe, it can provide a knowing touch if I do decide to head towards Social Sciences in future.

I am not going to keep all the fun to myself. After all, I hope my belief, even if insufficiently backed, can rub off on some of you over the course of WAW, and an appreciative society is something that will be gratifying to see. Thus, I have sought for some contributions from some of us, to make WAW 1 more complete. After all, I don't have that much interaction and memory with everyone to pull the whole thing off by my own.

To start, a note to Wenhao: Maybe this post can help to, erm... build class bondedness? That will suit you fine, right? :P

Thanks to 10S63

Khang Chuen - "I wanna thank everyone in 63 for making me happy throughout this year, especially James, who joked a lot, although most of them are at the wrong time :D"

Jolin (paraphrased)- "I think all of us are grateful to one another for all the academic help that has been provided, cuz really a lot of people has been supporting each other and just helping people selflessly even though time is running out during this stressful pre-Promos period so yeahhh "

Low Ann - "(Thanks) for being there for me at one time or another, whether it being because of my dumbness, for cheering me up or for just being your retarded dumb selves and making school life so much more fun! :) Pamela Jolin Jeanette Queenie QiaoHui Josie YongHwang Xinhui Michelle Jenny Sean Zhihao Gateaux Eugene ShuinJian Wenhao ZhengXiang WeiHern Derrick KhangChuen Edmund ShiPing MingYang Ruofan James."

That's everyone in the class except yourself, Low Ann. I guess it wasn't easy typing all out hahaha.

Individual (unless stated, the words are from me :P)


Zheng Xiang made an early impression to me as the guy who dances really well (whilst learning Fac Dance). Which he of course has proven to be true. Haha. Over time, he has struck me as a studious and candid guy. And recently, having communicated more with him, I find it a pleasure to talk to him and learn from him, whether or not academics. I am sure he will do well given his attitude and approach towards learning.


I recall Michelle as the one who would be sitting across the same table with me as Physics, and that first experiment we did with flour... was kinda interesting haha. Though we do not communicate with each other much (which is true for me with many girls I figure), I do recall your Facebook comment saying you also wanted to learn piano, tennis and magic! Hahaha (Y). So was slightly surprised you chose kayaking for sabbaticals. (Just a note :P)


Derrick, as I recall, is one of the 2 persons I first sat beside in the class. It was the Faculty introduction. Fast forward, and we all recall the times Derrick impresses us with his stuff, most recently during the Time Tunnel II presentation. Some of us may know him to be one with ultra few hours (actually, probably 'hour') of sleep. I just urge you, sleep more! Instead, I appreciate how he's been conscious about his work, and I really hope he does well for Promos too :)

Have all of you seen how Derrick slaps his own face?


Edmund has been a sufficiently dutiful Project Work leader for our team, and I am grateful for his effort for our group, staying up late (at times to Derrick's timings) for PW. Before PW, we (plus Shuin Jian) collaborated for that GP McDonald's project. Edmund did really well in engaging the class, hopefully distracting from my own inadequacies. Thanks for the efforts!


It was just slightly fascinating when Jenny called to me in class to flip open that newly received Newsweek magazine. And there I see a cool Michael Bublé with a cool pose holding a microphone. Wow I am surprised you took notice of my idol :D Thanks! Besides that, we worked together for PIP, and I appreciated you worked on the video segment. Can you send it to me? I haven't actually seen it.


Wei Hern was the first S63 guy I talked to (excl. Shi Ping). We somehow sat beside each other in the first session with our CT. It followed soon with us finding out a common point - knowing Twex. Haha. What I was clealry not in store for, though, is his liveliness and the laughter he brings for us. Who can not have a hearty laugh when he displays his stuff? :P You bring joy, really :D


Josie was in fact the first girl from the class I talked to, at the start of the year during the Junior/Senior interaction period. And what was that? 2 earrings on each ear? Hmm. Being part of the same group for Project Work, at least when the group digresses into random bits and I wanted to bring it back, Josie is most likely the one who would be listening and back on issue first. Thanks (:


It just so happens that Jeanette and I share the same birthday. And well, I really think it is such a nice date :D Though we barely talk to each other (I will have to say this a couple more times), the one thing I recall was during the Captain's Ball game. Together with some of the other girls, I am genuinely surprised at the competitiveness displayed.

Jolin - "I thank you for everything, for we are such good friends."


Or most commonly known as Gateaux, the Math genius and the guy guys can count on for help for academics. Apart from possessing some sentiment of admiration for his 'academic prowess' lol, and thus providing a direction which the class can possibly follow, he is someone who is dedicated to Bboy and I do admire him for that as well.


Having first known Ming Yang in Sec 3 OB Sabah (Rafllesia!), where he gave me the impression of a dedicated Scouts member who was taking the lead in our tent pitching, he reinforced my opinion of him lately, during our recent chat at the bus stop. And with the way he seemed enthused about my OB Sabah Reflections, and how he seemed really interested in listening when I was explaining this initiative to him on MSN, he gives me an earnest feeling as a friend :D


Though I may have conveyed an impression as someone who does well for academics (probably because I am like one of the few who actually studied for the early class and lecture tests), and probably as someone quiet and reserved, that's not what I hope to be remembered for. But there are times I will tend to have a step back and observe, like from the Captain's chair for Captain's Ball. Though I admit I should get more involved :P at times.

Khang Chuen - "Eugene for teaching me how to express my gratitude" Ming Yang - "I thank you for initiating this thing itself." Shi Ping - "I thank Eugene for being so talkable to."


Shi Ping was the only one I could say I know when I entered S63, having been in HCI 4I1'09 together. Having helped me overcome my initial doubts early this year, it was natural for me to accept our academic dates in the library. In fact, those 'dates' brought joy to me, because it got us precious interaction time, and overcame the inertia I created. Often involving, he makes me feel more attached to the class. For that, I am really thankful :)

And I was slightly struck by how he SMSed and MSNed me asking about the Powerveggie stain he left on my uniform by accident. Such little thoughtful acts do make you feel good.


The first thing I recall about Low Ann is her incessant SMS reminders. In the past I would probably complain because work-related SMSes make me feel dreary, but now I do appreciate how the diligently-sent reminders are beneficial for some. Besides the competitiveness showed during Captain's Ball, I thank you for being willing to demonstrate the dance stunts for PIP when I asked.

Jolin - "I thank you for everything, for we are such good friends."


James hasn't been the most diligent, serious nor popular student with the teachers, but despite his take-it-easy attitude, his inclusive nature is particularly of note to people like me. It would help if he listens more in lessons but off academics, he has been pretty entertaining :O.

Khang Chuen - "(continue from above quote) ...especially James, who joked a lot, although most of them are at the wrong time".


I recall Zheng Xiang calling him 'Mr Sunshine'. How fitting. And has he once failed to fulfil his role as a PE rep? On a more personal scale, though I wasn't that impressed with the first impression he gave me during Orientation, he has been someone willing to listen to some of my grouses when they come, and it's helpful to know that there's a friend nearby who won't resist listening to what you want to say, and will ask you along for stuff.

And here's his appreciation for BT - "Thank block test for making me know my weaknesses although i still dont know how to solve them."


I recall Qiao Hui as the one whom Mrs Loh praised for neat handwriting and neat presentation for a Physics tutorial. She is someone I would remember as forthcoming. And I appreciated that she shared her appreciation for my Practise Acts Of Kindness post (: Just that I don't really get what she exactly meant when she said, "Your essay writing skills were like whoaaaa haha. But fantastically written!"


Though I don't talk much with Sean, I must say that sometimes teachers fail to see that he has been putting in effort. At some points I feel that he is working harder than I do. So I do hope his Promo results will be at least satisfactory and fitting for his efforts. And of course, like for Low Ann, I am thankful that you willingly did the dance poses for a couple of times for both analysis and filming (:


The determination Queenie showed during our first competitive Captain's Ball match, from my viewpoint as Captain, is noticeable. As for our recent work on the GP Project, I thank her for her spontaneity during the presentation, flipping the page of the script for me, while I didn't. And I am thankful she often plays the role of a mediator when tricky situations arise in lessons.


Jolin strikes me as someone welcoming, and many times, she has been one who often sports a smile to others. That is what I would call, practising an act of kindness, and potentially lightening others' moods. Her enthusiasm and best efforts displayed in the games of basketball and Captain's Ball during PE lessons is a commendable example of showing spirit and enthusiasm, and is something I would be glad to learn from. :P


The guy who just makes me laugh/giggle just by the way he says 'Hi Eu'. (Considering how he calls me Eu, and Shi Ping called me Gene at times, are they doing a duet in greetings?) Though his individual work for PW just seems to get returned a lot, Zhi Hao has often been there to breathe in life and humour when discussions get dreary over the year, thus helping us to move along all this while. Thank You :D


"It's in my bag!" probably rings clearer than anything Pamela has said in class. With literature roots like Shuin Jian (below), I do think she would benefit from having more focus. Nonetheless, I am very sure some of us in class will be there for her as close friends and encourage her when she needs it, maybe for academics too.


Shuin Jian has been particularly insistent about philosophical and deep thinking, which may not sit particularly well with some of us, but that remains commendable. Nevertheless, he has been a model on which we can derive what being passionate about something stands for: Astronomy. How he continued to seek learning about Trinomial Expansion particularly struck me as well. As someone willing to go out there and be firm about his passions.


Wenhao is always striving to improve class bonding (and that's why I mentioned that earlier on). His care and desire for the class is undeniable; though our response has been far from receptive for quite some times. Also, I am grateful to have someone so dedicated in the Fac Comm. He never fails to cool down the humid surroundings for us (if you get what I mean).

Shuin Jian - "(I'd like to) thank Wen Hao for PW, and of course (for) trying to bond the class." "though it'd be better if the rest were a little more open to moving out of their comfort zones."


Due to very limited interaction, as usual, the main thing I recall is that she was top scorer for Chem in Block Tests, and that many times she seems to be the first person in the class online on MSN. But well, at least when we pass each other by during break, we say Hi. Though quiet, I noted she actually asked questions in class way more than me, so that's good!


"I realised I haven't talked to you like 5 mins." That was the only thing I remember hearing her say for the most of this year. But, having talked to her more these few examination days, I am reminded of how she would take the initiative to say Hi. Reminds me of how rude I am for not doing so, especially in the morning. And, if I didn't remember wrongly, when you get bored you doodle? That's pretty much what I did this year too haha. Thanks for the courtesy.


I hate to end off saying the same line again... we don't communicate much either I must admit. But she is someone quietly doing well, I guess, and her prowess in some subjects is encouraging. And the similarity we share is that we are both in OCIP, just like Shi Ping and Edmund the last time in May/June. I do think Xin Hui will do well for Promos too haha.

I hope I didn't make anyone of you feel worse than you did before reading this post. Take your time reading like I took my time writing. :) Admittedly it is not the easiest thing to thank or encourage everyone, but I did enjoy writing all these, and I hope I have expressed to each of you my appreciation, for we collectively make up 10S63 as it is now.

Do you people remember my GP Time Tunnel II presentation? Remember that Leaning Tower of Pisa at 3.99deg? I had actually wanted to add:

From the story of the Tower, where poor foundations impeded future development and resulted in a bleak scenario, there's always hope if we allow ourselves to see it. Despite the harsh realities that may confront some of us, there is never too late a time to rebuild our roots. With effort and diligence, we can do well academically, for A Levels, and in life.

And only when we continually review our roots; the beliefs that define us, the approach that we face life with, can we keep on growing stronger as a person, as a relevant part of the community, that we will be happy with.

I hope the post served its objective :P

If you have anything that you are willing to express online for all to see, just post it in the comments, and I will add it into the post for you, cos I am tagging everyone in the class (that are in my FB contact list at the moment).

Be grateful to the people around you, and let them know what they mean to you, or how thankful you are for them, whether work-related or personal, in the way that suits you and them best. I do think that for the really close people, the most effective way is to express it via words and actions to the person personally.

Special thanks to: Khang Chuen, Shuin Jian, Shi Ping, Jolin, Low Ann for their contributions

Since Promos are done with and PW seems the only academic-related thing for us going into the next month, shouldn't we have some outings? (Haha Low Ann beat me to it lol.)

~Eugene (on FB)


Thank EU! A very encouraGENE digital footprint!
Many thanks Eugene! =jjj

WenHao =j

Saturday, October 2, 2010

How's Life?

Day 276, 89 days to the end of the year.

Guess this marks my first post on the blog, despite it being so close to promos. Honestly, I've been spending more time on other things than studying :P (needless to say, sleeping tops the list) Apart from that, spending time in front of my laptop amassing information to think about.

If you see this before or during promos, I wouldn't mind saying "relax", or "don't worry about promos", but I'd be more concerned with the question that seems to end a conversation very effectively: why?

Much to your dismay (if any), life will have to discussed inevitably. Perhaps you might not have given it much thought, but ever wondered why you're alive? Your view of life will influence your life (a little redundant, but true), like how you see something, how you do something etc. Try looking at your own actions, what kind of life view do they seem to point at? You'll probably see a lot of questions, since my goal is to get you thinking.

If you're reading this after promos, well, not much will be different :P it's still life after all. Though it would be a good time to ask yourself why you're studying. For results? Taking a H3? Or something else? Something I find saddening is that the thinking stops there. In my opinion, those I've spoken to so far have barely gotten past this (not trying to sound harsh here). I haven't recieved a lot of answers that address why you'd want those things and I find that rather disturbing.

We've been alive about 17 years now, some more some less. Perhaps thinking about these things seems rather irrelevant, or unncessary. But, when then, will you start thinking about it? If you wait till you're much older, you'll have a lot less life to live out whatever purpose you may find. So it's to your benefit if you try to figure it now; you've already 17 years less to live, how much more time do you have?

Haha, hope that wasn't too moody a topic. It's important though, as repulsive as it might seem. Life is to be enjoyed, but there's something called temperance: meaning you enjoy it within the set boundaries and don't "over-enjoy". Honestly, I feel our minds could use some stretching. If you're going to live, live life to the full, which I don't mean indulge in every possible pleasure. You have a mind, if you're going to live to the full, use it to the full.

Life is understood backwards and lived forwards - Soren Kierkegaard


Thursday, September 30, 2010

Pre Exam Encouragement

Hey 63!!

Add You(加油) for Promos k! Let's all pass with flying, if not gliding, if not floating, if not hovering, if not levitating colors!

Don't forget to sleep enough (even if cannot finish revision and practices) coz sleep can reduce stress and improve memory! Do remember to get a cup of coffee/redbull/whatever-caffeine-sources to get high so you can do extra fast during the exams OK!! It should work for most people.. hehez

Look forward to Fac Breakfast coming right up after Promos k! =j


Friday, August 13, 2010


" Biology is the only science in which multiplication is the same thing as division."

Divide to multiply! Oh the paradox.

WenHao uenao =J

-"Laughter, the free medicine.""Pun ALWAYS intended."

Monday, July 26, 2010


Get your brains wet and charged for PW!! Remember to touch your brain often!


WenHao uenao =J

-"Laughter, the free medicine.""Pun ALWAYS intended."